76 Squadron's P-40Ms Part 6 Page 3

by Steve Mackenzie

A29-354 SV-K carrying the 'Little Audrey' artwork with the 1 A.D ferry pilots. See Peter May's pdf on Page 1 for the full details

A29-354 SV-K. Seen in the image above, Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue and Light Grey serials (2" only, just ahead of the rudder). The tail has the Yellow Lightning bolt which the Sqn adapted in 1945 but which was seen on only a few of the P-40Ms. The machine has been repainted in a VERY non standard pattern when they deleted the White tail. As there is no way of knowing what the other side looked like I have drawn this Starboard side on this occasion. The front of the spinner may be Green or Red (see end notes) with the rear Nat Metal. It has had White wing leading edges but these are worn almost completely away. The windscreen and sliding portion of the canopy are Nat Metal. The aerial mast is apparently a replacement in either White or Nat Metal. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

A29-354 SV-K carried the 'Little Audrey' artwork on the Port nose at the time of this profile per the heading photo.

A29-315 SV-N. Seen in the image above, Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue and Light Grey serials (2" only, just ahead of the rudder). The front of the spinner may be Green or Red (see end notes) with the rear Nat Metal. The pattern on the nose cowling on the Starboard side varys from standard with a mismatch as it was replaced at some stage. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

A29-321 SV-M. Seen in the image above (just), Foliage Green/ Earth Brown with Sky Blue lower surfaces. Codes in RAAF Sky Blue. It appears to have the full depth White rear empenage thus the serial is likely to be the 8' stencilled Black style (common with that style tail). The rudder however is a replacement camouflaged one. The front of the spinner may be Green or Red (see end notes) with the rear Nat Metal. Ref: above image cropped from header image via Peter May.

A29-321 later with 86 Sqn. By this time there has been some repainting, also spinner colour and code letter changed. Also the serial has been remarked in a very non standard style at some stage. The remarked serial and the nose art MAY have been there at the time of the transfer from 76 Sqn but we do not have the info to be sure. Image via Peter May.

A note re spinner colours. There is photographic evidence of both Green and Red being used on these late 1944/45 two toned spinners. There is even the possibility that both may have been used as flight colours. I have used Red on my profiles but Peter May favours Green. The readers can make their own decision.

Credits: thanks to Peter May (Ozhawk 40) for his assistance with this article. Also to Craig Busby for his advice on factory and RAAF repainted colours for these airframes.

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